Friday, October 2, 2015

Happy October! I hope you were somewhere dry for the JMU Flood of 2015! It doesn't look like we're going to be out of the rain anytime soon, so I wish you all a safe and dry weekend!

In CAP, it's officially Decision-Making month, meaning that we have a ton of programming going on to help you get more acquainted with the idea of that certain major you've been thinking about, to help you decide between the two that keep pulling you in two different directions, or just allow you to explore more about yourself and your future path. Something you might be asking is...

What if I declare this major? 
                                    Can I complete my degree in four years? 
   What if I want to double major or add a minor?

Luckily, in addition to having the advisors at CAP to bounce ideas off of, MyMadison has a really neat feature called the "What If Report." By using this tool, you can choose potential majors, minors, degrees, etc. and see, based on your past and current credits, what you are fulfilling and what you still need to fulfill in order to graduate. For example, if you want to double major you can see what courses would fulfill both majors. As an advisor, I do not have access to running the "What If Report" for you- only you are able to do this, so I've included a tutorial below for you to refer to should you want to try this out: How to Run a "What If Report" on MyMadison.

Hopefully, this helps you answer some of those "What If...?" questions, but you also have meetings with me coming up in the next month as a way to determine what path you think you might want to head down. In preparation for our meetings, I ask that you think about some courses that you think you might like to take in the spring (keeping in mind what GenEds you still have to complete, especially Cluster 1 courses, and also if you're interested in UNST 102), and bring a list of these with you. Thanks in advance! Now, for this week's upcoming events...

Upcoming Events:
  • Are you interested in learning about another culture? How about continuing your foreign language skills or even helping others to improve their English? If so, the office of International Student and Scholar Services, in the Office of International Programs, has an opportunity for you! The Conversation Partner Program is designed to:
    • Pair international and U.S. individuals
    • Engage in weekly conversations and activities/events
    • Share and learn about each other's culture
    • Practice conversational skills in English or a foreign language
For more information and to complete an application, check out their website!

  • The DUX Center -the Leadership Resource Center at JMU- is putting on "Dine & Learn," a program to help you learn how to increase productivity, be a more effective communicator, and build stronger relationships. This workshop series is meant to help you gain valuable communication skills in order to positively impact your personal and professional life- it's also a great resume booster! If you are looking for an opportunity to develop leadership skills, register here by October 4th at Midnight!
There is no cost to participate, and FREE dinner is provided each week, but you must be able to commit to all 5 weeks. The time is from 5-7 PM on the following Wednesday nights: October 14, 21, 28 & November 4, 11. Questions? Email, call 540-569-5901, or drop into Madison Union 330.

  • Speaking of an international experience, the Office of International Programs is now accepting applications for all JMU short-term and semester Summer 2016, Fall 2016, and Spring 2017 study abroad programs! The deadline to apply is November 1, 2015. If you've declared your major, be sure to check out your individual program page for additional information and requirements.
  • For those of you who love service opportunities, the office of Community Service-Learning offers some amazing opportunities- both longer and shorter trips- that are student-led experiences that give you a chance to travel and address numerous social issues, such as homelessness, disability services, and animal welfare. Alternative Weekend Breaks connect students with local agencies within 200 miles of JMU and are $25 to participate (this helps pay for travel, food, and housing). Check out their trip descriptions here! There two October trips that focus on animal welfare:
Also, it's Family Weekend! Whether you're spending it with family from home or your JMU family, I wish you a happy, safe, and dry time together. And remember...

"Family's more than just DNA. It's about people who care and take care of each other."
~ Special Agent Leroy Jethro Gibbs; NCIS ~

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