Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Your First Week!

Happy first week of classes, everyone

I met all of you at our 1787 group advising session with Laura and Cassidy, but I'll use this space to let you know a little bit more about myself and then every week after as a space to share some things to noodle on and some upcoming events as you journey through your first year here at JMU! As I mentioned last week, my name is Renee Bernier and I will be your advisor in CAP, at least until the spring semester, as I help you navigate your first year experience and consider potential majors for the remainder of your time here at JMU.

I graduated from Stonehill College, a small Catholic college in Massachusetts and am now completing my Masters degree in College Student Personnel Administration (CSPA) here at JMU. When I graduate in May, I look forward to work on a college campus in a setting like CAP...or other student affairs offices that serve students! I really enjoy the work I've been able to do so far, and am looking forward to this year working in Career & Academic Planning with all of you. My desire to work with students stems largely from my own experience in my undergrad career. I entered Stonehill undeclared, with a basic knowledge that I wanted to pursue a helping field where I got to work with and for people on a regular basis. (It's not just you! Being undeclared is a pretty normal and common thing!) I spent my first two years undeclared and took courses in a variety of subjects in order to try and narrow down what I wanted my focus and major to be. English? Dietetics? Religious studies? In the end, I declared Sociology. I had taken one course in high school, really enjoyed it, and then after taking a couple in my first year of college, decided that it was for me. Sure, I knew I would probably have to get a higher degree in something like Social Work or Counseling in order to do the work I thought I eventually might want to do. But in the moment, Sociology courses were really interesting and thought-provoking to me, I knew it would allow me to work with people in some form of human services, and the lives that my professors led fascinated me.

My hope this semester is that you all are able to find classes that are thought-provoking and make you question, allow you to find your voice, and potentially lead you to find a future path. As that all unfolds, I also hope you have fun and find your place here at JMU. Coming from a small school to this campus was a wonderful change for me and I've found that even amongst almost 22,000 students I feel a part of a tight-knit community.

Alright, so now for some things to noodle on as you continue this week:
  • If you do add a class, make sure to introduce yourself to the professor of the new class and check to make sure you're as up to speed as possible. This means getting a syllabus, knowing if the professor uses Canvas and if they have posted any assignments, and if there has been anything assigned to date so that you can make up that work.
  • Create a schedule: Time management will be crucial in managing your classes but also whatever it is that you choose to get involved with this semester, be it work, volunteerism, clubs and organizations, and also your personal time for self-care. Creating a schedule can work or using a planner (there are free ones at the bookstore and UREC right now!)- both are tactics I use and it keeps me organized and on top of my to-do list!
  • Show up and stand out! The first step to being successful in class is showing up to that class and showing up on time. Being punctual speaks volumes about your character and what you value. Yes college is a time to explore many different opportunities, but don't lose sight of the education that you've worked so hard to be here to gain. Your professor will appreciate your timeliness and in the end, you will too when you see how prepared you are for your papers and exams. And stand out! Remember at our session when we spoke about participation grades and such. They are real! So don't be afraid to sit near the front in class, speak up, ask questions, and engage in discussion and debate. Being an active learner will not only earn you participation points, but it will also instill great skills for your future as a college student and future intern, volunteer, employee- whoever you decide to be!
  • Don't forget- there are resources out there if you need or want them (all of those I am about to list are housed within the Student Success Center (SSC)...
    • The Learning Centers (Science & Math, Communication Center, University Writing Center and more!) 
    • The Office of Disability Services (ODS): This office exists in order to make sure that students with documented disabilities have equal access to all that JMU has to offer both in and outside of the classroom. Learning Strategies Instruction (LSI) is also housed within ODS and is available to all students. They help with note-taking, study skills, critical thinking, test-taking, scheduling and time management, and more.
    • The University Health Center has 3 components: A walk-in clinic for immediate situations, an appointment clinic, and The Well, located on the 1st floor of the SSC and an office that focuses on overall health education, including but not limited to sexual assault awareness and prevention, substance abuse prevention, intervention, and recovery, and LGBTQ resources.

The Counseling Center: works with students in a variety of ways- workshops on everything from body image and acceptance to stress management, individual and group counseling, and also provides 2 really neat self-care spaces- The Oasis and The Studio. Check out the videos below to see what all the hype is about!

Upcoming Events:
  • Add/Drop period ends on 9/8/2015 (next Tuesday!). That being said, you still have time to go to your classes this week and determine if they're right for you or if you want to make any changes. This also means you should be keeping your eyes open for classes on MyMadison that you may want to add to your schedule to see if there are any open spots. This will change daily and several times during the day, so keep at it!
  • Student Org Night: This Friday, Sept. 4 from 8-9 on the UREC upper turf! This is a great way to explore different clubs and organizations from across campus that you may want to get involved in, meet some new people, and learn about the tons of exciting activites happening at JMU. Then stick around from 9-11 for Dukes After Dark, where there will be music, food, and giveaways for all!
  • ResumePrep (9/8/2-15- next Tuesday in Madison Ballroom on the 5th floor of Warren Hall) is an annual event sponsored by CAP where you have the opportunity to sit down with an employer to review your resume- a great prep idea for the Fall 2015 Career & Internship Fair coming up later in September. Again, check out the link below to read more about it and the prizes that are also up for grabs at the event!

Phew that was a lot! But I do want to leave you with some parting words before next week. No matter what this week is feeling like for you- just right, slightly overwhelming, a little bit more than slightly overwhelming- keep the following in mind:

"Promise me you'll remember, you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, smarter than you think."
~ A.A. Milne, Winnie the Pooh~

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